What is KyberSwap DEX?
KyberSwap is the most cost-efficient DEX aggregator offering a value-add of proprietary liquidity pools.

KyberSwap is the most cost-efficient DEX aggregator offering a value-add of proprietary liquidity pools. With KyberSwap, you choose the most efficient trade route for your DeFi adventure.
In their own words, KyberSwap offers high capital efficiency that enables better rates and dynamic fees for liquidity providers and reliability.
Amplified Liquidity Pools: Extremely high capital efficiency; fewer tokens are required to achieve better liquidity and rates compared to AMMs
Dynamic Fees: React to market conditions and optimize returns for LPs
Better Reliability & Security: Audited by Chain Security and insured up to $20M by Unslashed Finance
KyberSwap offers Dynamic Trade Routing Technology. Through their aggregated DEXs, the best price and lowest slippage are guaranteed.
While swapping Token A for Token B can be effective for basic traders, KyberSwap allows for more intricacies to be considered for each transaction. The advanced aggregation information for over 45 DEXs on 7 chains provides traders with clear options for the best exchange.
On Rome Terminal traders can move seamlessly between their Token Watchlist, technical analysis, and borrowing protocols to an exchange on KyberSwap. Choose your own adventure with Max return of Lowest Gas from the convenience of your DeFi Dash!